Changemaker Communications EMPOWERS YOU to create your unique Message of Hope independently, bring it to the media and communicate it to a large audience.
For real IMPACT!
Together we can make a difference! _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Your PR empowerment as a founder

Come back to your everyday life full of power, focus and clarity, after the retreat!
You want to break free and finally get back on your way? Good that you're on vacation soon!
It's time to leave the hectic everyday life and noise behind you and connect with what really matters: Your inner voice.
Make the most of your vacation and use the distance and energy for your empowering online retreat. Break free, create your life in harmony with yourself and come back to your everyday life full of power, focus and clarity.
Connect To Your Inner Voice
Your powerful Online Retreat from anywhere in the world, during your vacation

...perhaps lost your way and feel stuck, blocked and aimless?
...are perhaps in a phase of change in which you are rather directionless and feel empty?
...perhaps want to make an important and courageous decision but feel overwhelmed and undecided?
... are perhaps still chasing roles and definitions that don't fulfill you and that aren't yours?
... may be surrounded by some energy vampires and finally want to find out for yourself what really fulfills you in relationships.

Does that sound familiar?
You want to stop and find out what is right for you and what feels really good to you, want to break free and live, love or work differently? But there is no time and quiet for it in your life right now and you have the feeling that you are getting further and further away from yourself? Good that you're on vacation soon!

Come back into your everyday life full of power, focus and clarity after the retreat

Get back on your way
You have clarity about your goals, your vision and mission.

Create your life in accordance with your inner compass
You are realigned, live in harmony with your needs and values and know exactly what you want to do in a phase of change.
Make bold decisions easily
You can make your decision easily, because you have clarity about what you really want with your head, heart and body.
Define roles and terms self-determined
You have defined roles and terms such as "being successful"or "being a woman" for yourself and you know exactly what that means for you and you no longer simply reproduce the norm.
Creating fulfilling relationships
You create nurturing relationships in a self-determined manner and you know exactly what fulfills you in relationships and what you want to radiate.

Welcome to your powerful Online Retreat
Make the most of your vacation:
The online retreat opens up a unique space for you to find your own answers.
Here you use the distance from everyday life and the energy of vacation in 5 intensive and powerful online coaching sessions of 2 hours each, to make deep changes in your life easy.
You come back into your everyday life full of power, focus and clarity and create your liberated, lively life and fulfilling relationships in harmony with yourself.
What to expect in the retreat

5 individual online coaching sessions of 2 hours each, during your vacation, no matter where you are in the world.
Your realignment
You use the distance from your everyday life and your energy for your great transformation and new direction.
Your empowering space
The coaching offers you a unique, empowering space in which you can finally listen to what really matters: Your inner voice.
Find your own solutions, new perspectives and possibilities.
Come back to your everyday life full of power, focus and clarity.

Your lasting change
With simple steps you ensure sustainable and deep change after the retreat and create your liberated, lively life and fulfilled relationships in harmony with yourself.
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The 4 steps on your journey to your liberated life

4. Act, create and shine your light
Create your liberted, lively life and fulfilled relationships

Transfer your insights into your life easily and step by step by integrating new habits into your everyday life. This makes deep and lasting change easy for you. By creating your liberated life, you also see others through the eyes of liberation.

It´s a Movement
At The ConnectEd I accompany people all over the world in three languages on their individual journey to liberation.
Your empowering space
For this I create a unique, empowering space in systemic Coachings, in which you can easily find your own answers beyond the boxes, frames and chains of the norm, go out and create your liberated life and fulfilled relationships in harmony with yourself.
Your greatest transformation
For your greatest transformation and to make your journey into your liberated life the best, I combine powerful methods for the first time: I am a systemic personal and business coach, diversity and anti-bias trainer, political scientist and trained in nonviolent communication.

Hey! Good that you're here!
Finally free: spirituality meets activism
I believe that liberation begins within us and that connection to ourselves and to others beyond bias is the first step towards a more just world. Let's start with you!
I'm Alina Wagner (she/her), founder of The ConnectEd, I don't fit into any box myself and bringing connectedness beyond bias into the world is the mission of my heart.
I look forward to accompanying you on your individual journey to liberation!
Let's challenge the norm together!